- /Tutorials/CS Primer - Computer Networking 2024/
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10/6/2024 6:45 PM 115490576 001 Shout server.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 212047651 002 HTTP header server.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 506944259 003 Simple DNS client.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 153937071 004 The life of a packet (aka what happens when).mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 104803118 005 What is a socket.mp4
10/6/2024 6:46 PM 117119372 006 What do we mean by network layers (OSI model).mp4
10/6/2024 6:44 PM 12324394 007 What is a system call (high level explanation).mp4
10/6/2024 6:45 PM 65154291 008 Why packets typically have an MTU of (ie size of up to) 1500 bytes.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 20097519 009 Postels law.mp4
10/6/2024 6:46 PM 50662508 010 What does it mean to bind to a port.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 43184223 011 How do I know what socket system calls a library is making.mp4
10/6/2024 6:44 PM 69788865 012 The many differences between TCP and UDP.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 106709912 013 Latency vs throughput.mp4
10/6/2024 6:46 PM 17053660 014 A quick tour of netcat.mp4
10/6/2024 6:46 PM 19058852 015 What is the loopback interface (ie localhost).mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 406202379 016 HTTP proxy basic proxying.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 739961264 017 HTTP proxy persistent connections.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 571220945 018 HTTP proxy concurrency.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 597169151 019 HTTP proxy features.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 227349039 020 A brief overview of HTTP2.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 126458622 021 A brief history of how HTTP and browsers came to be.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 94262238 022 Proxies gateways and tunnels.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 172811338 023 Understanding HTTP headers and answering your own questions.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 104350268 024 Using the setsockopt system call.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 116843090 025 The motivation and implementation of HTTP persistent connections.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 311243932 026 DNS client message compression.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 150255857 027 DNS client reverse DNS.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 566064704 028 DNS client more record types.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 634279436 029 DNS client tracing resolution.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 102074755 030 Hostnames before DNS a single HOSTSTXT file.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 56035553 031 How do programs know which DNS server to use.mp4
10/6/2024 6:41 PM 38204942 032 The structure of a hostname.mp4
10/6/2024 6:46 PM 92471662 033 Understanding DNS zones and zone transfers.mp4
10/6/2024 6:46 PM 29165773 034 DNS classes 65535 alternatives to the internet.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 89964984 035 How recursive resolvers can be used in reflection attacks.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 98772036 036 What is the TTL in DNS and was it a good idea.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 195531865 037 Root TLD and other authoritative name server roles.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 372330918 038 Lossy download.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 846096650 039 Reliable transport.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 243223854 040 How does TCP compute its timeout interval.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 169897730 041 Whats the big idea behind QUIC.mp4
10/6/2024 6:46 PM 151309009 042 Did Van Jacobson save the internet (Anoverview of congestion control).mp4
10/6/2024 6:45 PM 43762955 043 The basic difference between flow control and congestion control.mp4
10/6/2024 6:46 PM 125147747 044 The motivation behind TCP sliding window.mp4
10/6/2024 6:46 PM 116006478 045 Whats the purpose of the TCP handshake.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 95330999 046 How the initial sequence number (ISN) is chosen in TCP.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 371573582 047 How TCP provides reliable delivery.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 245057376 048 Flow control and buffering in TCP a demonstration.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 555526254 049 Traceroute.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 332133441 050 Traceroute autonomous systems.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 298291975 051 Traceroute ICMP probes.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 500358555 052 Traceroute customization.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 208539302 053 An overview of traceroute ping and mtr.mp4
10/6/2024 6:45 PM 62738315 054 Why the time to live in IPv4 is essentially a hop count.mp4
10/6/2024 6:46 PM 57104036 055 What exactly is a private IP address.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 113159827 056 Autonomous systems and the structure of the internet.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 154190325 057 Understanding CIDR subnets.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 142385491 058 The major differences between IPv4 and IPv6.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 116098420 059 How routers decide how to forward a packet.mp4
10/6/2024 6:47 PM 112180003 060 The basic idea behind NAT.mp4
10/6/2024 6:45 PM 63540566 061 The difference between fragmentation and segmentation.mp4
10/6/2024 6:46 PM 22431928 code.zip
10/6/2024 6:46 PM 66 CS Primer – Computer Networking.url