- /Tutorials/Cisco/Udemy, David Bombal - The Complete Networking Fundamentals Course. Your CCNA start (2020)/142 GNS3 Campus Network/

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5/27/2024 9:40 AM 10315 001 GNS3 Topology Overview.en.srt
5/27/2024 10:07 AM 40877308 001 GNS3 Topology Overview.mp4
5/27/2024 9:14 AM 9110 002 IOSvL2 Appliance Import.en.srt
5/27/2024 10:18 AM 115441978 002 IOSvL2 Appliance Import.mp4
5/27/2024 9:27 AM 6483 003 Switch Hostnames, VTP and VLANs Part 1.en.srt
5/27/2024 9:46 AM 91933668 003 Switch Hostnames, VTP and VLANs Part 1.mp4
5/27/2024 9:39 AM 10264 004 Hostnames, VTP, VLANs Part 2.en.srt
5/27/2024 10:14 AM 77397754 004 Hostnames, VTP, VLANs Part 2.mp4
5/27/2024 9:18 AM 8021 005 IP addressing and ping testing.en.srt
5/27/2024 10:04 AM 73558556 005 IP addressing and ping testing.mp4
5/27/2024 9:41 AM 7300 006 Static trunk encapsulation and mode.en.srt
5/27/2024 9:47 AM 37550147 006 Static trunk encapsulation and mode.mp4
5/27/2024 9:40 AM 9907 007 Disable DTP and configure access ports.en.srt
5/27/2024 10:06 AM 67048857 007 Disable DTP and configure access ports.mp4
5/27/2024 9:42 AM 3178 008 Ping within a VLAN.en.srt
5/27/2024 9:42 AM 18119565 008 Ping within a VLAN.mp4
5/27/2024 9:37 AM 3894 009 Which ports are trunking and which VLANs are permitted_.en.srt
5/27/2024 9:44 AM 18939548 009 Which ports are trunking and which VLANs are permitted_.mp4
5/27/2024 9:44 AM 9080 010 CDP Demo_ Basic discovery.en.srt
5/27/2024 9:46 AM 55819240 010 CDP Demo_ Basic discovery.mp4
5/27/2024 9:31 AM 7648 011 CDP Demo_ Disable globally and per interface.en.srt
5/27/2024 9:42 AM 52738330 011 CDP Demo_ Disable globally and per interface.mp4
5/27/2024 9:31 AM 4534 012 CDP Demo_ Command Options.en.srt
5/27/2024 10:12 AM 33419575 012 CDP Demo_ Command Options.mp4
5/27/2024 9:41 AM 6873 013 LLDP Demo_ Discover Linux Servers.en.srt
5/27/2024 9:47 AM 57802337 013 LLDP Demo_ Discover Linux Servers.mp4
5/27/2024 9:40 AM 5319 014 Which ports are blocking.en.srt
5/27/2024 9:48 AM 20867353 014 Which ports are blocking.mp4
5/27/2024 9:48 AM 9148 015 Spanning Tree blocks core switch ports.en.srt
5/27/2024 10:13 AM 44464890 015 Spanning Tree blocks core switch ports.mp4
5/27/2024 10:13 AM 2923 016 CDP & LLDP and STP - what happens.en.srt
5/27/2024 10:13 AM 19789381 016 CDP & LLDP and STP - what happens.mp4
5/27/2024 9:40 AM 12338 017 STP - optimize Core switches.en.srt
5/27/2024 10:24 AM 71179535 017 STP - optimize Core switches.mp4
5/27/2024 9:45 AM 18287 018 Optimize campus network using Etherchannel.en.srt
5/27/2024 10:27 AM 104077918 018 Optimize campus network using Etherchannel.mp4
5/27/2024 9:31 AM 15459 019 STP failover testing.en.srt
5/27/2024 9:45 AM 106517268 019 STP failover testing.mp4
5/27/2024 9:18 AM 9272 020 HSRP Overview.en.srt
5/27/2024 9:54 AM 31164667 020 HSRP Overview.mp4
5/27/2024 9:32 AM 8119 021 Demo_ HSRP Configuration_ Switch 1.en.srt
5/27/2024 9:45 AM 51774101 021 Demo_ HSRP Configuration_ Switch 1.mp4
5/27/2024 9:12 AM 9941 022 Demo_ HSRP Configuration_ Switch 2.en.srt
5/27/2024 9:45 AM 63436393 022 Demo_ HSRP Configuration_ Switch 2.mp4
5/27/2024 9:33 AM 3249 023 Demo_ Test connectivity to HSRP router.en.srt
5/27/2024 9:42 AM 27115149 023 Demo_ Test connectivity to HSRP router.mp4
5/27/2024 9:21 AM 7676 024 Demo_ HSRP failover test.en.srt
5/27/2024 10:23 AM 57639660 024 Demo_ HSRP failover test.mp4
5/27/2024 9:27 AM 7160 025 EIGRP configuration.en.srt
5/27/2024 9:45 AM 45288666 025 EIGRP configuration.mp4
5/27/2024 9:38 AM 8178 026 EIGRP Configuration (continued).en.srt
5/27/2024 10:08 AM 56144991 026 EIGRP Configuration (continued).mp4
5/27/2024 9:33 AM 7881 027 Redistribute Static Route and Troubleshoot GNS3 cloud issue.en.srt
5/27/2024 10:27 AM 57172185 027 Redistribute Static Route and Troubleshoot GNS3 cloud issue.mp4
5/27/2024 9:34 AM 1926 028 Troubleshoot GNS3 cloud issue.en.srt
5/27/2024 9:44 AM 11454244 028 Troubleshoot GNS3 cloud issue.mp4
5/27/2024 9:44 AM 9169 029 Configure NAT and test.en.srt
5/27/2024 10:13 AM 68920769 029 Configure NAT and test.mp4
5/27/2024 9:27 AM 465098 656 GNS3_Campus_Topology.zip