Column Referencing
Columns are referenced with identifiers.
In Sheets, the identifiers are column Letters.
Query function sees the table headers as “labels” and not identifiers.
Exception: When Array syntax is used OR the IMPORTRANGE Function, then the column identifiers are no longer the column letters, but instead the column number in the range. Example: Col1 instead of A
What can be retrieved
You can retrieve Boolean, numeric and string values (No images).
Each column needs one single data type – if it’s a mix, majority will decide.
The Select Statement
The Select statement needs to be in quotation marks.
The order of clauses is important. They must be according to the Clause table.
You can combine cell referencing inside the Select statement. For example:
=QUERY($A$2:$E$100,"select B where A='" &B4 &"' ")
* Note - This is also available in your course notes.