You can take these Self-Practice tests to apply what you learned from the above lectures. When taking a Mock Speaking test, I suggest you use a transcription app to evaluate your self-practice testing. You activate ethe transcription app before simulating a speaking mock tests. The transcription app will type what you are saying it while you are saying it. This will enable you to self-evaluate your pronunciation because if you are not saying a word correctly, you will likely write the wrong word. Also, with transcription, you can check your grammar and lexical ability by seeing where you made mistakes and where you can elevate.
Here is the link to the 6 Official Practice Tests. You have likely already created an account if you did the Mock tests for Listening and Reading above.
It is critical that when you are self-practicing, you do it AUTHENTICALLY, meaning only do one take because on the exam, you only have one chance, and you need to really test yourself.
Here are my recommended transcription apps:
Here are some other AI apps that can evaluate your Speaking:
1. (7 Day Free Trail)
2. (Free Version does not have all options)
Remember, your purpose of doing these Mock Tests and using the AI is to see your weaknesses. Do not worry about their scoring, the more you improve your weaknesses the higher you will score on the exam. If you do have grammar and lexical weaknesses, go and learn the skills you are missing and use AI to create grammar and lexical practice exercises in those weak areas to improve.