Before you start learning and applying our practical listening exam strategies, take a 4 part diagnostic test to determine your current strengths and weaknesses. Note the question types and sections that gave you the most problems. This way, you can better tailor your learning from the upcoming lectures.
Here is an updated link that is working right now, BUT YOU NEED TO USE THE FIREFOX, MICROSOFT EDGE, OR OPERA BROWSERS It appears that the audio will not load on Google Chrome. Go to it and take Test 1
In the alternative:
If that link has stopped working, they have launched their new IELTS Ready program. Go to this link below, create an account and then click on Mock Tests at the top of the screen and they have 6 Mock Tests.
You need to do the first Mock Test, which will give you a baseline for where you are right now, and then you go back to this link after you finish out Listening Section, go back to this link and do Mock Test 2, so you can see how you have improved and what you still need to work on.
Band Score Calculator: Use the following Band Score Calculator to determine your current level.