
# Creating a new set called myset of type iphash (hash:ip) -> -N or create
# Another useful type is nethash or hash:net
# -exist -> no error if it already exists
ipset -N myset iphash -exist

# Adding IPs to the set (-A or add)

ipset -A myset
ipset add myset
ipset -A myset
ipset -A myset -exist # -exist -> no error if the entry already exists in the set

# Reference the set in a match specification of iptables
# DROP on source
iptables -A INPUT -m set --match-set myset src -j DROP

# Listing set entries (-L or list)
ipset list  # => lists all sets with all entries
ipset -L myset # => lists only that set
ipset -L -n 	# => lists only the set names

# Deleting an entry from a set (-D or del)
ipset -D myset
ipset del myset

# Flushing all entries from a set or from all sets (-F or flush)
ipset -F myset # => flushing all entries from myset 
ipset -F   # => flushing all entries from all sets

# Setting the maximal number of elements which can be stored in a set (default value: 65535) 
ipset create myset1 hash:ip maxelem 2048

# Destroying a set (-X or destroy)
ipset destroy myset
ipset -X 	# => destroying all sets

# Note: a set cannot be destroyed while there is a single reference pointing to it.