- /Tutorials/Photoshop Issustrator/Udemy Adobe Illustrator and After Effects 2 in 1 Course for Newbies/Chapter 16-Animation Principles Keyframes and the Graph Editor/
[To Parent Directory]
8/28/2024 6:19 PM 3134824 70. Module Introduction.mp4
8/28/2024 6:19 PM 753 70. Module Introduction.srt
8/28/2024 6:20 PM 37587568 71. Principles of Animation.mp4
8/28/2024 6:18 PM 11486 71. Principles of Animation.srt
8/28/2024 6:21 PM 82878053 72. Keyframes.mp4
8/28/2024 6:21 PM 19202 72. Keyframes.srt
8/28/2024 6:21 PM 67420980 73. The Graph Editor.mp4
8/28/2024 6:20 PM 15256 73. The Graph Editor.srt
8/28/2024 6:21 PM 148592606 74. Class work 3.mp4
8/28/2024 6:19 PM 22546 74. Class work 3.srt
10/13/2024 2:12 PM <dir> Additional_Files