- /Tutorials/Photoshop Issustrator/Udemy Adobe Illustrator and After Effects 2 in 1 Course for Newbies/Chapter 4-Drawing Tools and Techniques in Illustrator/

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8/28/2024 6:21 PM 101813756 10. Your First Drawings in Illustrator 1.mp4
8/28/2024 6:16 PM 36915 10. Your First Drawings in Illustrator 1.srt
8/28/2024 6:21 PM 40564686 11. Your First Drawings in Illustrator 2.mp4
8/28/2024 6:18 PM 13217 11. Your First Drawings in Illustrator 2.srt
8/28/2024 6:21 PM 55618979 12. Your First Drawings in Illustrator 3.mp4
8/28/2024 6:18 PM 19790 12. Your First Drawings in Illustrator 3.srt
8/28/2024 6:21 PM 58250614 13. Your First Drawings in Illustrator 4.mp4
8/28/2024 6:18 PM 19609 13. Your First Drawings in Illustrator 4.srt
8/28/2024 6:21 PM 42100785 14. Your First Drawings in Illustrator 5.mp4
8/28/2024 6:18 PM 14437 14. Your First Drawings in Illustrator 5.srt
8/28/2024 6:21 PM 66151246 15. The Pencil Tool.mp4
8/28/2024 6:16 PM 18039 15. The Pencil Tool.srt
8/28/2024 6:20 PM 102920415 16. Working with Brushes.mp4
8/28/2024 6:18 PM 20912 16. Working with Brushes.srt
8/28/2024 6:21 PM 72846132 17. The Width Tool.mp4
8/28/2024 6:17 PM 20598 17. The Width Tool.srt
8/28/2024 6:21 PM 29938396 18. The Blend Shape Tool.mp4
8/28/2024 6:18 PM 9798 18. The Blend Shape Tool.srt
8/28/2024 6:19 PM 1671198 9. Module Introduction.mp4
8/28/2024 6:19 PM 811 9. Module Introduction.srt
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