- /Tutorials/Udemy - 100 Days of Code The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp/01 - Day 1 - Beginner - Working with Variables in Python to Manage Data/
[To Parent Directory]
11/4/2024 11:10 AM 101292848 001 What you're going to get from this course.mp4
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 6576 001 What you're going to get from this course_ar.srt
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11/4/2024 11:10 AM 5373 001 What you're going to get from this course_ko.srt
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11/4/2024 11:10 AM 5487 001 What you're going to get from this course_pl.srt
11/4/2024 11:10 AM 5481 001 What you're going to get from this course_pt.srt
11/4/2024 11:10 AM 8156 001 What you're going to get from this course_ru.srt
11/4/2024 11:10 AM 9464 001 What you're going to get from this course_th.srt
11/4/2024 11:10 AM 5411 001 What you're going to get from this course_tr.srt
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11/4/2024 11:10 AM 4917 001 What you're going to get from this course_zh.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 73574 002 Course-Pledge-App-Brewery-100-Days-of-Python.pdf
11/4/2024 11:09 AM 82554299 002 START HERE.mp4
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 4942 002 START HERE_ar.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 4296 002 START HERE_de.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 3973 002 START HERE_en.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 4039 002 START HERE_es.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 4377 002 START HERE_fr.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 4326 002 START HERE_id.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 4017 002 START HERE_it.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 5095 002 START HERE_ja.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 4053 002 START HERE_ko.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 4017 002 START HERE_nl.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 4009 002 START HERE_pl.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 4155 002 START HERE_pt.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 5836 002 START HERE_ru.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 7589 002 START HERE_th.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 4175 002 START HERE_tr.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 4932 002 START HERE_vi.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 3889 002 START HERE_zh.srt
11/4/2024 11:00 AM 179937 003 100-Days-of-Python-Check-Off-Posters.pdf
11/4/2024 11:00 AM 2469516 003 12-Rules-to-Learn-to-Code-eBook-Copyright-App-Brewery.pdf
11/4/2024 11:00 AM 354328 003 Coding-Notebook-Sheets-to-Print.pdf
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 156928724 003 Downloadable Resources and Tips for Taking the Course.mp4
11/4/2024 11:00 AM 7580 003 Downloadable Resources and Tips for Taking the Course_ar.srt
11/4/2024 11:00 AM 6325 003 Downloadable Resources and Tips for Taking the Course_de.srt
11/4/2024 11:00 AM 5753 003 Downloadable Resources and Tips for Taking the Course_en.srt
11/4/2024 11:00 AM 6200 003 Downloadable Resources and Tips for Taking the Course_es.srt
11/4/2024 11:00 AM 6480 003 Downloadable Resources and Tips for Taking the Course_fr.srt
11/4/2024 11:00 AM 6237 003 Downloadable Resources and Tips for Taking the Course_id.srt
11/4/2024 11:00 AM 6178 003 Downloadable Resources and Tips for Taking the Course_it.srt
11/4/2024 11:00 AM 7036 003 Downloadable Resources and Tips for Taking the Course_ja.srt
11/4/2024 11:00 AM 5834 003 Downloadable Resources and Tips for Taking the Course_ko.srt
11/4/2024 11:00 AM 6109 003 Downloadable Resources and Tips for Taking the Course_nl.srt
11/4/2024 11:00 AM 6104 003 Downloadable Resources and Tips for Taking the Course_pl.srt
11/4/2024 11:00 AM 6136 003 Downloadable Resources and Tips for Taking the Course_pt.srt
11/4/2024 11:00 AM 9142 003 Downloadable Resources and Tips for Taking the Course_ru.srt
11/4/2024 11:00 AM 10997 003 Downloadable Resources and Tips for Taking the Course_th.srt
11/4/2024 11:00 AM 6070 003 Downloadable Resources and Tips for Taking the Course_tr.srt
11/4/2024 11:00 AM 7166 003 Downloadable Resources and Tips for Taking the Course_vi.srt
11/4/2024 11:00 AM 5663 003 Downloadable Resources and Tips for Taking the Course_zh.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 111 003 FAQ-I-Cant-Open-the-Course-Resource-Links.url
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 53 003 Join-the-Student-Community-on-Discord.url
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 279121 003 Python-Syntax-Cheat-Sheet-Booklet-v2.pdf
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 99 003 Study-With-Me-Video.url
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 166767 003 Syllabus-for-100-Days-of-Python.pdf
11/4/2024 11:10 AM 33096706 003 Wallpapers.zip
11/4/2024 11:06 AM 13965900 004 Day 1 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4
11/4/2024 11:04 AM 4598 004 Day 1 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_ar.srt
11/4/2024 11:04 AM 3663 004 Day 1 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_de.srt
11/4/2024 11:04 AM 3469 004 Day 1 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_en.srt
11/4/2024 11:04 AM 3578 004 Day 1 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_es.srt
11/4/2024 11:04 AM 3663 004 Day 1 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_fr.srt
11/4/2024 11:04 AM 3595 004 Day 1 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_id.srt
11/4/2024 11:04 AM 3567 004 Day 1 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_it.srt
11/4/2024 11:04 AM 3716 004 Day 1 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_ja.srt
11/4/2024 11:04 AM 3248 004 Day 1 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_ko.srt
11/4/2024 11:04 AM 3476 004 Day 1 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_nl.srt
11/4/2024 11:04 AM 3571 004 Day 1 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_pl.srt
11/4/2024 11:04 AM 3584 004 Day 1 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_pt.srt
11/4/2024 11:04 AM 6712 004 Day 1 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_th.srt
11/4/2024 11:04 AM 3505 004 Day 1 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_tr.srt
11/4/2024 11:04 AM 4143 004 Day 1 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_vi.srt
11/4/2024 11:04 AM 3081 004 Day 1 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_zh.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 70 004 Press-Run-to-see-the-final-project.url
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 92676 005 100DaysOfCode-v3.0.zip
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 6733 005 Download and Setup PyCharm for Learning.html
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 100615120 006 Printing to the Console in Python.mp4
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 19974 006 Printing to the Console in Python_ar.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 15972 006 Printing to the Console in Python_de.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 15241 006 Printing to the Console in Python_en.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 15756 006 Printing to the Console in Python_es.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 16187 006 Printing to the Console in Python_fr.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 16141 006 Printing to the Console in Python_id.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 15193 006 Printing to the Console in Python_it.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 13607 006 Printing to the Console in Python_ja.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 14373 006 Printing to the Console in Python_ko.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 15398 006 Printing to the Console in Python_nl.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 15551 006 Printing to the Console in Python_pl.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 15346 006 Printing to the Console in Python_pt.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 15447 006 Printing to the Console in Python_tr.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 13089 006 Printing to the Console in Python_zh.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 5400 007 Printing Practice.html
11/4/2024 11:09 AM 57437048 008 String Manipulation and Code Intelligence.mp4
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 14926 008 String Manipulation and Code Intelligence_ar.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 12012 008 String Manipulation and Code Intelligence_de.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 11363 008 String Manipulation and Code Intelligence_en.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 11740 008 String Manipulation and Code Intelligence_es.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 12375 008 String Manipulation and Code Intelligence_fr.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 12247 008 String Manipulation and Code Intelligence_id.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 11508 008 String Manipulation and Code Intelligence_it.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 10808 008 String Manipulation and Code Intelligence_ja.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 10864 008 String Manipulation and Code Intelligence_ko.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 11337 008 String Manipulation and Code Intelligence_nl.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 11337 008 String Manipulation and Code Intelligence_pl.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 11664 008 String Manipulation and Code Intelligence_pt.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 21223 008 String Manipulation and Code Intelligence_th.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 11573 008 String Manipulation and Code Intelligence_tr.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 13961 008 String Manipulation and Code Intelligence_vi.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 9959 008 String Manipulation and Code Intelligence_zh.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 5132 009 Debugging Practice.html
11/4/2024 11:10 AM 68478444 010 The Python Input Function.mp4
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 22470 010 The Python Input Function_ar.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 17962 010 The Python Input Function_de.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 17123 010 The Python Input Function_en.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 17649 010 The Python Input Function_es.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 18060 010 The Python Input Function_fr.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 18432 010 The Python Input Function_id.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 17099 010 The Python Input Function_it.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 17145 010 The Python Input Function_ja.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 16550 010 The Python Input Function_ko.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 17236 010 The Python Input Function_nl.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 17329 010 The Python Input Function_pl.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 17733 010 The Python Input Function_pt.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 31610 010 The Python Input Function_th.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 17366 010 The Python Input Function_tr.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 20331 010 The Python Input Function_vi.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 14915 010 The Python Input Function_zh.srt
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 125742081 011 Python Variables.mp4
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 18463 011 Python Variables_de.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 17524 011 Python Variables_en.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 18064 011 Python Variables_es.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 18702 011 Python Variables_fr.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 18559 011 Python Variables_id.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 17638 011 Python Variables_it.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 17213 011 Python Variables_ja.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 16339 011 Python Variables_ko.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 17441 011 Python Variables_nl.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 17862 011 Python Variables_pl.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 17856 011 Python Variables_pt.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 17602 011 Python Variables_tr.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 15017 011 Python Variables_zh.srt
11/4/2024 10:59 AM 4856 012 Variables.html
11/4/2024 11:09 AM 22767399 013 Variable Naming.mp4
11/4/2024 10:59 AM 7782 013 Variable Naming_ar.srt
11/4/2024 10:59 AM 6421 013 Variable Naming_de.srt
11/4/2024 10:59 AM 6052 013 Variable Naming_en.srt
11/4/2024 10:59 AM 6120 013 Variable Naming_es.srt
11/4/2024 10:59 AM 6489 013 Variable Naming_fr.srt
11/4/2024 10:59 AM 6373 013 Variable Naming_id.srt
11/4/2024 10:59 AM 6040 013 Variable Naming_it.srt
11/4/2024 10:59 AM 6058 013 Variable Naming_ja.srt
11/4/2024 10:59 AM 5825 013 Variable Naming_ko.srt
11/4/2024 10:59 AM 5914 013 Variable Naming_nl.srt
11/4/2024 10:59 AM 5974 013 Variable Naming_pl.srt
11/4/2024 10:59 AM 6084 013 Variable Naming_pt.srt
11/4/2024 10:59 AM 10654 013 Variable Naming_th.srt
11/4/2024 10:59 AM 6173 013 Variable Naming_tr.srt
11/4/2024 10:59 AM 6958 013 Variable Naming_vi.srt
11/4/2024 10:59 AM 5222 013 Variable Naming_zh.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 12333 014 Variable Naming Quiz.html
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 137 015 Course-Fixes-Report-an-Issue.url
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 27038669 015 Day 1 Project Band Name Generator.mp4
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 9500 015 Day 1 Project Band Name Generator_ar.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 7902 015 Day 1 Project Band Name Generator_de.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 7321 015 Day 1 Project Band Name Generator_en.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 7496 015 Day 1 Project Band Name Generator_es.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 8054 015 Day 1 Project Band Name Generator_fr.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 7819 015 Day 1 Project Band Name Generator_id.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 7322 015 Day 1 Project Band Name Generator_it.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 7402 015 Day 1 Project Band Name Generator_ja.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 6889 015 Day 1 Project Band Name Generator_ko.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 7315 015 Day 1 Project Band Name Generator_nl.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 7369 015 Day 1 Project Band Name Generator_pl.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 7536 015 Day 1 Project Band Name Generator_pt.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 13486 015 Day 1 Project Band Name Generator_th.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 7529 015 Day 1 Project Band Name Generator_tr.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 8809 015 Day 1 Project Band Name Generator_vi.srt
11/4/2024 11:02 AM 6496 015 Day 1 Project Band Name Generator_zh.srt
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 70 015 Final-project-demo-click-Run-to-try-it.url
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 23841322 016 Congratulations! Well done!.mp4
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 1570 016 Congratulations! Well done!_ar.srt
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 1316 016 Congratulations! Well done!_de.srt
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 1268 016 Congratulations! Well done!_en.srt
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 1235 016 Congratulations! Well done!_es.srt
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 1354 016 Congratulations! Well done!_fr.srt
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 1420 016 Congratulations! Well done!_id.srt
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 1258 016 Congratulations! Well done!_it.srt
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 1504 016 Congratulations! Well done!_ja.srt
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 1187 016 Congratulations! Well done!_ko.srt
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 1200 016 Congratulations! Well done!_nl.srt
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 1209 016 Congratulations! Well done!_pl.srt
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 1251 016 Congratulations! Well done!_pt.srt
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 1959 016 Congratulations! Well done!_ru.srt
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 2201 016 Congratulations! Well done!_th.srt
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 1252 016 Congratulations! Well done!_tr.srt
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 1581 016 Congratulations! Well done!_vi.srt
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 1199 016 Congratulations! Well done!_zh.srt