- /Tutorials/Udemy - 100 Days of Code The Complete Python Pro Bootcamp/09 - Day 9 - Beginner - Dictionaries, Nesting and the Secret Auction/
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11/4/2024 11:03 AM 70 001 Click-Run-to-see-the-final-project-in-action..url
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 9783695 001 Day 9 Goals what we will make by the end of the day.mp4
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 4588 001 Day 9 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_ar.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 3793 001 Day 9 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_de.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 3528 001 Day 9 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_en.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 3522 001 Day 9 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_es.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 3950 001 Day 9 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_fr.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 3669 001 Day 9 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_id.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 3506 001 Day 9 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_it.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 3866 001 Day 9 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_ja.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 3280 001 Day 9 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_ko.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 3489 001 Day 9 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_nl.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 3583 001 Day 9 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_pl.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 3606 001 Day 9 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_pt.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 6461 001 Day 9 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_th.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 3705 001 Day 9 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_tr.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 4468 001 Day 9 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_vi.srt
11/4/2024 11:03 AM 3131 001 Day 9 Goals what we will make by the end of the day_zh.srt
11/4/2024 11:11 AM 96044436 002 The Python Dictionary Deep Dive.mp4
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 24014 002 The Python Dictionary Deep Dive_ar.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 19871 002 The Python Dictionary Deep Dive_de.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 18487 002 The Python Dictionary Deep Dive_en.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 18651 002 The Python Dictionary Deep Dive_es.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 19546 002 The Python Dictionary Deep Dive_fr.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 19524 002 The Python Dictionary Deep Dive_id.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 18464 002 The Python Dictionary Deep Dive_it.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 17879 002 The Python Dictionary Deep Dive_ja.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 16950 002 The Python Dictionary Deep Dive_ko.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 18670 002 The Python Dictionary Deep Dive_nl.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 18810 002 The Python Dictionary Deep Dive_pl.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 18541 002 The Python Dictionary Deep Dive_pt.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 32794 002 The Python Dictionary Deep Dive_th.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 18492 002 The Python Dictionary Deep Dive_tr.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 22418 002 The Python Dictionary Deep Dive_vi.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 15605 002 The Python Dictionary Deep Dive_zh.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 6164 003 Grading Program.html
11/4/2024 11:10 AM 56308355 004 Nesting Lists and Dictionaries.mp4
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 17091 004 Nesting Lists and Dictionaries_ar.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 14154 004 Nesting Lists and Dictionaries_de.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 12851 004 Nesting Lists and Dictionaries_en.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 13193 004 Nesting Lists and Dictionaries_es.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 13888 004 Nesting Lists and Dictionaries_fr.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 14075 004 Nesting Lists and Dictionaries_id.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 13266 004 Nesting Lists and Dictionaries_it.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 13937 004 Nesting Lists and Dictionaries_ja.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 12264 004 Nesting Lists and Dictionaries_ko.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 13249 004 Nesting Lists and Dictionaries_nl.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 13499 004 Nesting Lists and Dictionaries_pl.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 13224 004 Nesting Lists and Dictionaries_pt.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 23445 004 Nesting Lists and Dictionaries_th.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 13437 004 Nesting Lists and Dictionaries_tr.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 16287 004 Nesting Lists and Dictionaries_vi.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 11251 004 Nesting Lists and Dictionaries_zh.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 12326 005 Python Dictionaries Quiz.html
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 1575 006 Hint-Flowchart-of-Secret-Auction.url
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 82 006 Press-Run-to-see-the-final-project.url
11/4/2024 11:10 AM 285484789 006 The Secret Auction Program Instructions and Flow Chart.mp4
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 34111 006 The Secret Auction Program Instructions and Flow Chart_ar.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 27546 006 The Secret Auction Program Instructions and Flow Chart_de.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 25849 006 The Secret Auction Program Instructions and Flow Chart_en.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 26886 006 The Secret Auction Program Instructions and Flow Chart_es.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 28336 006 The Secret Auction Program Instructions and Flow Chart_fr.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 28070 006 The Secret Auction Program Instructions and Flow Chart_id.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 26369 006 The Secret Auction Program Instructions and Flow Chart_it.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 27312 006 The Secret Auction Program Instructions and Flow Chart_ja.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 24761 006 The Secret Auction Program Instructions and Flow Chart_ko.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 26151 006 The Secret Auction Program Instructions and Flow Chart_nl.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 26419 006 The Secret Auction Program Instructions and Flow Chart_pl.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 26493 006 The Secret Auction Program Instructions and Flow Chart_pt.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 47669 006 The Secret Auction Program Instructions and Flow Chart_th.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 26859 006 The Secret Auction Program Instructions and Flow Chart_tr.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 32421 006 The Secret Auction Program Instructions and Flow Chart_vi.srt
11/4/2024 11:05 AM 23007 006 The Secret Auction Program Instructions and Flow Chart_zh.srt
11/4/2024 11:10 AM 28551278 007 Motivation and the Accountability Trick.mp4
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 1883 007 Motivation and the Accountability Trick_ar.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 1709 007 Motivation and the Accountability Trick_de.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 1568 007 Motivation and the Accountability Trick_en.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 1617 007 Motivation and the Accountability Trick_es.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 1727 007 Motivation and the Accountability Trick_fr.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 1764 007 Motivation and the Accountability Trick_id.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 1566 007 Motivation and the Accountability Trick_it.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 1810 007 Motivation and the Accountability Trick_ja.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 1349 007 Motivation and the Accountability Trick_ko.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 1580 007 Motivation and the Accountability Trick_nl.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 1534 007 Motivation and the Accountability Trick_pl.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 1623 007 Motivation and the Accountability Trick_pt.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 2362 007 Motivation and the Accountability Trick_ru.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 2496 007 Motivation and the Accountability Trick_th.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 1580 007 Motivation and the Accountability Trick_tr.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 1977 007 Motivation and the Accountability Trick_vi.srt
11/4/2024 11:07 AM 1499 007 Motivation and the Accountability Trick_zh.srt