Now that you've seen how you can replace the repeatable parts of your website (header/footer), we're going to make the rest of the pages work.
1. In the header.html, delete the navigation bar item that points to the "Sample Post":
2. Modify the href using Flask's url_for so that the navigation bar correctly points to the About and Contact pages.
3. Update so that when you click on the About link in the navigation bar it goes to the About page and likewise with the Contact page.
4. Update the about.html and contact.html files to use the header and footer. e.g.
HINT: Make sure that the anchor tags in the header.html are correctly pointing to the relevant routes in your server.
5. See if you can make the static images work on the About and Contact pages.
HINT: Look at the <header> style attribute. Remember that the images are static files located in the img folder.