Introducing the Google Colab Notebook

PyCharm is a fantastic IDE, but when we're exploring and visualising a dataset, you'll find the Python notebook format better suited.

Open your first Google Colab Notebook in through your Google Drive. You can find the Python Notebook under New More Google Colaboratory

If you cannot access the Google Colab Notebooks or would like to run everything locally on your computer, then I recommend installing Anaconda and using the bundled Jupyter Notebook instead. Either way works. Google Colab is essentially just an online version of Jupyter.

How to use a Python Notebook

The notebook is divided into cells. Each cell can be executed individually and the result is automatically printed out below. To execute a cell use the shortcut Shift + Enter.

Note: The Google Colab Notebook will to connect to a Runtime in order to execute any code.

That's pretty much it. Let's get started!