- /Tutorials/Udemy.Complete.Ethical.Hacking.and.Cybersecurity.Course.BOOKWARE-SOFTiMAGE/12 - Machine Learning Applied to Hacking and Cybersecurity/
[To Parent Directory]
12/9/2024 10:26 PM 28549092 108 - Introduction to the Section.mp4
12/9/2024 10:26 PM 36279323 109 - Machine Learning Applied to Cybersecurity.mp4
12/9/2024 10:23 PM 220141 109 - Machine-Learning-applied-to-Cybersegurity-Slides.pdf
12/9/2024 10:23 PM 1125 110 - BATEA Installation Error.html
12/9/2024 10:26 PM 119703530 111 - BATEA Host Recognition with ML.mp4
12/9/2024 10:26 PM 171248602 112 - Pesidious Mutations with Deep Learning.mp4
12/9/2024 10:26 PM 432967536 113 - Social Engineering Deep Fake.mp4
12/9/2024 10:26 PM 26588970 114 - Artificial IntelligenceCreated Fake Obama.mp4
12/9/2024 10:26 PM 201441432 115 - ANNEX Conference Network Attack Detection through Image Recognition Part 1.mp4
12/9/2024 9:59 PM 1423937 115 - slides-english-navajanegra.pdf
12/9/2024 10:26 PM 245616718 116 - ANNEX Conference Network Attack Detection through Image Recognition Part 2.mp4