- /Tutorials/Udemy.Full.Paid.Ads.Course.Google.Meta.Microsoft.LinkedIn.BOOKWARE-LBWx/Chapter_30-Facebook_Ads_Campaign_Creation/
[To Parent Directory]
9/12/2024 11:03 PM 123080042 125. Create Your First Ad - Campaign Objectives.mp4
9/12/2024 11:03 PM 63470730 126. Budget & Schedule.mp4
9/12/2024 11:03 PM 38118338 127. Audience Targeting - Location, Age & Gender.mp4
9/12/2024 11:03 PM 59586487 128. Detailed Targeting - Demographics.mp4
9/12/2024 11:03 PM 33123739 129. Detailed Targeting - Interest.mp4
9/12/2024 11:01 PM 31734948 130. Detailed Targeting - Behaviours and Connections.mp4
9/12/2024 11:03 PM 66328559 131. Placements + Optimisation and Delivery.mp4
9/12/2024 11:03 PM 70490062 132. Creating Your Facebook Ad Creative.mp4
9/12/2024 11:03 PM 58927380 133. How To Set Up A Simple AB Split Test.mp4